Silly me
please ignore that last one, I was having a very bizarre morning after a night of even more bizarre dreams....... but I think I'm better now (as much as I can be, since I'm CRAZY!!!!:))
Anyways, Bye Bye for now
hee hee hee hee hee hee hee (evil cackle)
unfinished, untitled and unsure
Another day wasted in solitude
my mind never quiet in all the silence around me
Forgotten? No just replacable.
A constent struggle between what is and what could be
------unfinished, not sure where I was going with this, just having a weird morning....
A Decision Made... (hopefully)
Well, I know it's been a while, but I was feeling like I was very uninteresting, but It's past. I pretty sure I've decided to go to Hairdressing school!!! It was all made clear to me yesterday when I was chatting with my dear Mara, and she knows just what to say to give me a swift kick in the rear and be more positive. (thanks mara, you're incredible) So tomorrow I am going to do some research and see what kind of schools I can dig up and what kinda costs etc.... it's very exciting and I'm praying that i don;t change my mind and chicken out (which i'm famous for).
A few things have happened since i last wrote, in novembver i went to nelson and saw my dear friend amy give birth to her 2nd son Brodie. It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen, what a thing to be a part of. And having to boys under the age of 2 has got to be hard work. Hoo doggy, i don't think I could do it.
My cousin Samara was just here. She had a reading break from uvic and she came up here to visit me. What a sweetheart.
Leo and I are still working our buns off with the video store, but it'll be worth it in the end.
But that's about it, Maybe next time i'll have more to say